How AI Can be Used to Hire Remote Developers?

Sem Brown
5 min readJul 24, 2020

For technology-oriented companies, their engineers and developers are the most valuable asset. From running regular business operations to generating revenue, everything falls in the technical team’s hands nowadays.

With the wave of remote hiring, the power of businesses has amplified as they can now hire competent candidates from all over the world. Thus, it is highly essential for companies to hire remote developers with the right credentials and skills, which is quite tricky when you and your developers are miles apart.

To cope up with the distance of miles, CloudLabs247 has automated hire remote engineers process with the help of artificial intelligence. AI is a technology stream that can make pre-employment assessments, select the right engineer, and evaluate skills a more straightforward task for remote employers.

How to Hire Remote Developers using AI Platforms?

Mostly, companies hesitate to hire remote engineers because they can’t correctly interview or test the skills virtually. It always worries the remote employers whether their selected candidates will deliver the desired outcome or not. This worry has been entirely erased by AI. Today, from evaluating the skills of remote engineers to choosing the right engineer for the job, everything can be managed by AI.

Automated Developers Pool

The process of hiring the ideal developers starts with potential sourcing candidates, which could be a hard task to find candidates from the different corners of the world. AI remote hiring platforms can automate the sourcing process. Using AI, millions of developers and engineers profiles over various social media and professional websites can be analyzed within a fraction of minutes. This helps in creating adequate remote programmers and engineers pool for remote employers.

Scanning the Pool

Once an AI-oriented remote engineers pool is ready, you can enter your development requirements and quickly scan the right candidates for the role. AI matches your needs with the developers’ profiles enlisted in the pool and based on meticulously correct algorithms. It is an excellent solution for remote developers and employers to find a suitable person or job.

Pre-Employment Assessments

In the US, approximately 5% of workers in each state work remotely; this number is likely to grow in the coming days due to the prevailing pandemic situation. It means the remote recruitment process will become more vigilant.

AI-powered pre-employment assessment tools can facilitate recruiters to test the skills, personality, and cultural fit factors. Once you have picked some potential developers for the final interview phase, video interviews supported by AI can be the best solution. It helps recruiters in assessing the practical skills of the engineers.

AI-infused facial recognition features can analyze the candidates’ expression during the video interview and capture the minute changes in the mood and personality. AI can recognize the inner thoughts of a person through the analysis of small facial movements.

Run Background Check

Companies want to hire remote engineers with clean and impressive professional background. The traditional methods of running a background check won’t be a feasible solution for remote recruitment.

With the evolution of AI, things have been changed, and the process has been speeding up. AI-oriented background check allows recruiters to judge candidates without involving personal biases. With AI-generated tools, the developer background check can be efficiently conducted in a scalable manner.

Recognition of Strengths and Weaknesses

While hiring remote engineers, companies don’t only want to hire the best candidates. No, they want to hire a person offering optimum strengths to their business. Thus, using AI rich tools, recruiters can recognize all the strengths and shortcomings of a person.

Some companies have taken their recruitment process one level up by collaborating scientific testing with data analytics. This practice helps in understanding the in-depth mindset of the candidates. To make a well informed remote developer recruitment decision, artificial intelligence is a perfect solution.

Employee Value Propositions

Each developer has some special and unique skills that companies can use to improve their productivity. Thus, using AI, companies can evaluate engineers’ specific skills and find a way to utilize it for the betterment of the operations. Moreover, remuneration of the remote developers can be easily fixed as per the value brought by them into the company. This way, you have to pay for the value that a developer brings in the organization.

Benefit of AI Empowered Remote Developers Recruitment

If you use the artificial intelligence-powered platform to hire remote developers for a particular job or ongoing project, you can gain an array of benefits –

· Improved Quality — When you have an algorithm-generated pool of developers, which has wholly weeded out all the incompetent candidates. Then, you can improve the quality of job applicants and the process of finding the best from the best become very easy.

· Swiftness — When the process of screening, testing, and selecting the candidates have been automated, the acceleration in the operations can be automatically seen. AI can act as your personal assistant that will perform all the mundane recruitment tasks for you.

· Optimized Recruitment — AI develops a well-oiled recruitment mechanism where you can easily hire remote engineers. Artificial intelligence is a data-driven technology that collects data and displays it in an insightful manner. Having a well-optimized recruitment funnel makes the remote recruitment process impactful.

· Cost-Effective — From job advertisement to candidates’ training, the job recruitment process is a very costly operation. Thus, when you have an AI pool of competent developers who are thoroughly screened, you just have to select the right candidate. It will save up lots of operational costs involved in the recruitment process.

AI Recruitment Process

Nowadays, AI has touched all the leading industries and improved them with its features. Similarly, numerous shortcomings of the remote recruitment process have been gracefully eliminated by the AI. Thus, it won’t be wrong to conclude that artificial intelligence studded remote developers and engineers hiring platforms can help tech companies a lot. Now, you just have to pick the right candidate from the AI tested the pool and give a sweet ending to your technical project.



Sem Brown

Digital Strategist and Brand Consultant with 10+ years of experience. I help Companies to grow their Revenue with my Digital Marketing Strategies.