6 Ways IoT in Healthcare Is a Next Big Transformation

Sem Brown
Artificial Intelligence in Plain English
5 min readFeb 1, 2022


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IOT in Healthcare

If the last few months have taught the world something, the healthcare industry is in dire need of transformation. Better medication, diagnosis, and treatment strategies are immediately required. Here Internet of Things is the propelling technology that has been giving a dynamic push to the medical industry.

In 2021, 35.82 billion IoT devices are installed worldwide, which is expected to reach 75.44 billion by 2025. Alone the global IoT in the healthcare market is projected to reach $260.75 billion in 2027.

In just 2019, medical technology companies like Johnson & Johnson, Abbott, and GE Healthcare have made $30.6 billion, $20 billion, and $21.1 billion in revenue, respectively.

It’s clear that healthcare digitization is booming today. Therefore, if you wish to expand your business to the medical technology sector, hire IoT app developers the right way. Why?

Let’s understand in detail how IoT in healthcare is spinning the axis in 2021!

6 Significant Roles of IoT in Healthcare

Health Condition Monitoring

IoT has touched the healthcare industry in many ways. But its capability to monitor disease progression and patient’s condition in real-time is the most significant contribution. IoT devices are being used to treat and control numerous chronic disorders right now, such as:

  • Heart monitoring: Smartwatches like Apple Watch come with an inbuilt heart rate monitor, which facility patients constantly track their heart condition. This will help to anticipate heart attacks in advance and control them before the patient’s condition turns serious.
  • Asthma monitoring: ADAMM, aka Automated Device for Asthma Monitoring and Management, are wearable devices that detect asthma attacks beforehand so that patients can take preventive measures on time.
  • Parkinson’s disease monitoring: In 2018, Apple added a new API that helps to monitor Parkinson’s diseases with its watch. This innovation has made it easier to track disease progression in real-time without taking numerous diagnostic tests.

IoT Application Development

IoT mobile app development market has grown at a CAGR of 15.25% between 2016 to 2021. In this, mobile healthcare apps are exhibiting a CAGR of 21.1%. That means if you launch a healthcare and fitness solution today, it will churn a significant revenue to you in the future.

Additionally, various types of IoT mobile application development in the healthcare sector is already practiced, such as:

  • Clinical and diagnostic apps: Using such apps, physicians can collect patients’ disease progressing data, evaluate it, and suggest the diagnosis remotely. Patients can also schedule virtual appointments with doctors using the app.
  • Healthy living apps: These types of apps are developed to build a healthy lifestyle around. Users can check in the metrics like exercise routines, diet plans, sleep patterns, and heart rate using such apps.
  • Productivity apps: These apps help to improve the efficiency of healthcare providers. The apps include mobile charting, remote dictation, appointment scheduling, etc.

Depression Recovery Treatment

According to WHO, over 264 million people of all ages suffer from depression worldwide. Now, with the pandemic crisis, mental health problems have become even more prevalent. In the depression recovery process, IoT devices have also turned out to be a great success.

Halo Neuroscience and Thync are already making advancements in developing mood-boosting devices. For example, there’s a device called Moodable already available that sends low-intensity signals to the brain, which helps in improving mood.

IoT mobile apps are also being developed to treat depression. For instance, the US Department of Veteran Affair’s National Center has partnered with the Department of Defense’s National Center to create a PTSD Coach. This app was developed to help veterans and military members who are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. The app tracks a person’s daily life to detect stressors and provides relaxation techniques to manage them.

Treatment of Chronic Diseases

This might sound shocking, but IoT in healthcare can even treat cancer. In 2018, a study was organized among 357 patients suffering from head or neck cancer. A group used devices like Bluetooth weight scale, symptoms-tracking apps, and blood pressure cuff to monitor their disease progress.

On the contrary, another group didn’t use any IoT devices to monitor their health. As a result, it’s found that physicians were able to better treat patients whose conditions were regularly monitored.

Smart Medication

Yes, smart medicine is a real thing. In 2017, the first FDA-approved smart medicine called Abilify MyCite was launched. This medicine is consumed just like any other prescribed drug. But the only difference here is that the medication contains a monitoring technology. Once a patient consumed this pill, the sensors constantly track levels of different body contents.

This data help professionals in better understanding their patient’s body and monitor whether the treatment is helping them. It can also be used to track whether patients are taking medication in the right manner or not.

Inventory Tracking and Management

IoT technology not only helps medical attendants in treating their patients better but also assists in managing their operations. In many large healthcare facilities, IoT devices are used to track inventory.

IoT devices paired with the technologies like RFID and RTLS (Real-time Location Systems) can help to mark inventory and manage medical equipment. Some of the IoT-based inventory management programs can alert hospital staff in advance when the stock expiry date is near. This practice can reduce wastage and elevate patient care quality too. The software also increases hospital staff’s efficiency many folds.

IoT in Healthcare — What Future Holds

The above-mentioned pointers have clearly indicated that IoT and healthcare have gone very far. And, in the coming years, IoT in healthcare is going to totally transform the industry. So, whether it’s IoT mobile app development or tracking devices, the healthcare sector has lots of room for digital innovations.

Here if you have an idea to revolutionize the medical industry, you can book IoT mobile app development consultation with Arthonsys. And quickly hire the best IoT app developers to transform healthcare realms.



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